While there is no set standard on how a fax cover sheet should be, in general, it should contain the information of the recipient and the sender such as names and contact information, brief summary or description of the faxed document, the number of pages in the fax document, and other relevant information. Regardless of fax machines being seemingly obsolete, it is ideal in offices where access to computers or the internet is limited. This method is more popular in places where internet service remains unreliable. Though sending a fax may seem old-fashioned, it is still one of the most reliable methods of transmitting documents using a fax machine, a device that is accepted worldwide. It may also contain information on whether the content of the fax is confidential or urgent. As the cover sheet, it is the first thing that a recipient sees and serves as a guide for him or her to understand the purpose of the received document. As a supporting report, it is a document that one sends with the fax. A functional subject line will identify the topic of the message and say something about it.A Fax Cover Sheet acts as a cover letter that provides important fax-related information, letting the recipient identify the sender and determine the content of the fax and what to do with it.

If you don't have names, address the fax to a department. Also identify his or her company or organization. Identify the person to whom you are sending the fax by name and by organizational role or department.If you choose to have your own cover sheet (letter), it will be very brief, providing only the most essential information. Most fax programs provide a cover sheet to identify who is sending the document and to whom it is addressed.