Only members of the group can join the party. The public/private settings for parties have been removed.

When you select Messages, you'll see the messages exchanged between members of your group. Messages has been added to the screen during parties. Only the name and image of the other player displays. For groups of just you and one other player, you can no longer change the group name or image. The group owner is the player that created the group. For groups of 3 or more members, the group owner can now remove members from the group. You can send messages to a group you created for a party, or start a party with a group you've messaged with.

You can now use your groups across Party and Messages. You can start a new party with the same members by selecting the group that you previously created. When you create a new group, it'll be saved even after the party has ended. When starting a party, you can now choose to create a new group or select an existing group. The following changes have been made to Party and Messages: Even though other OSes might be compatible as well, we do not recommend applying this release on platforms other than the ones specified. If it has been installed, updating (overwrite-installing) may fix problems, add new functions, or expand existing ones. This package contains the files needed for installing the 8.00 firmware for Sony PlayStation 4 systems.